Grow your business with B2B ecommerce.

Grow your business with B2B ecommerce.

A beginner’s guide to reaching more customers by selling to other businesses.

Ever wondered where businesses source the tools and supplies that keep their operations running? Often, it’s from sellers like you.

As more and more people and businesses are buying and selling online, it includes businesses selling to other businesses, called business-to-business (B2B) ecommerce.

In this post, you’ll learn:

  • What B2B ecommerce is
  • How it can help you reach more customers and boost profits
  • How to get started selling to other businesses

What is B2B ecommerce?

B2B ecommerce is the online trading of goods and services between businesses. Instead of selling directly to consumers, B2B ecommerce involves businesses selling to other businesses via websites and online stores.

Types of B2B ecommerce and examples

There are several different types of B2B ecommerce:

  • Business-to-Business-to-Consumer (B2B2C): When two businesses team up to sell products or services to customers. One company might manufacture the products while the other handles marketing and fulfillment.
  • Wholesale: When one business, known as a wholesaler, sells products in bulk and at discounted prices to another business. The buyer typically resells these products directly to consumers at regular retail prices to make a profit.
  • Manufacturers: They produce goods using raw materials, labor, and machinery. They sell their products to other businesses, such as wholesalers, retailers, or other manufacturers.
  • Distributors:Connect manufacturers with businesses wanting to buy and resell products to their own customers.

B2B ecommerce examples

Here are some examples of companies using ecommerce to sell to other businesses:

  1. An office supply store that allows companies to create accounts to reorder printer ink and paper online.
  2. An industrial equipment maker using an ecommerce portal for maintenance managers to order replacement parts and schedule service appointments.
  3. A furniture wholesaler enabling interior design firms to view catalogs, customize products, and place orders on their website.
  4. A software company automating subscription renewals and license management for business clients through a self-service ecommerce site.
  5. A commercial cleaning supply company with an online store for hotels, gyms, and hospitals to order cleaning products and track shipments.

The key to these examples is using ecommerce features like online catalogs, ordering, accounts, inventory management tools, and subscriptions to simplify buying for business customers.

Benefits of B2B ecommerce

If you already sell products to other businesses, B2B ecommerce can help you reach more customers and streamline your sales process. If you sell online to consumers, expanding from business-to-consumer (B2C) into B2B sales opens a new market.

Reaching new business customers

Traditional B2B sales limit you to face-to-face or phone interactions. With B2B ecommerce, distant customers are just clicks away, increasing potential buyers via search engines, online stores, or social media.

Streamline your sales and operations

B2B ecommerce not only helps you reach new customers but also makes your sales operations smoother in these ways:

  • Automate order processing: Customers place orders directly on your website, and the system processes them automatically.
  • Simplify inventory management: Selling online syncs inventory in real time, updating stock levels automatically.
  • Speed up invoicing and payments: Ecommerce automates billing; customers pay online, and invoices are generated and sent automatically.
  • Provide customers self-service: Online access lets B2B buyers check order status, get quotes, reorder, and find information independently.

Provide a convenient buying experience

Business buyers, like you, value efficiency. They benefit from the self-service purchasing experience a B2B ecommerce store offers.

Customers can easily search, view product details, place orders 24/7, reorder, track orders, access invoices, and manage accounts.

Gain insights to boost sales

Selling B2B online gives you access to data that helps make smarter business decisions and boost sales:

  1. See what’s selling and understand customer behavior: Get real-time data on top-selling products, customer searches, pages visited, and purchase times.
  2. Identify trends and growth opportunities: Analyze ecommerce data over time to spot product trends, popular categories, and areas for improvement.
  3. Improve marketing strategies: Use data on top-performing products, pages, and campaigns to refine marketing efforts.

Lower your costs

Moving B2B sales online lowers costs in many ways:

  1. Save time and money processing orders: Customers place orders themselves, reducing the need for manual entry.
  2. Reduce errors and costly returns: Fewer errors occur with customer-entered orders, leading to fewer returns.
  3. Spend less time on routine tasks: A B2B ecommerce site lets customers handle many tasks themselves.
  4. Cut printing and mailing costs: Online catalogs and ordering reduce printing and mailing expenses.
  5. Reduce stockouts, overstock, and warehousing costs: Real-time inventory visibility helps manage stock levels better.
  6. Save on labor costs: Online ordering frees up sales reps to focus on high-value activities.

3 steps to get started with B2B ecommerce

Ready to join B2B ecommerce? Here’s how to start:

  1. Determine your B2B ecommerce strategy

    Know your business customers: Identify the types of companies you want to sell to online.

    Decide how to sell: Sell directly through your website, an existing B2B store, or both.

  2. Set up your B2B ecommerce website or online store

    Choose your B2B ecommerce portal: Select a solution with B2B features like custom pricing and bulk discounts.

    Get your products ready: Organize product info and images, write descriptions, and set prices.

    Design your website: Customize your online store’s look to match your brand.

    Set up payments, shipping, and taxes: Connect a payment processor, set shipping options, and input tax rates.

    Test and launch your site:Place test orders to ensure everything works smoothly, then launch and promote your store.

  3. Promote your B2B ecommerce offerings

    Understand your audience: Know your ideal B2B customers’ industries, pain points, and goals.

    Optimize for search engines: Use relevant keywords to attract B2B traffic.

    Attract and engage customers: Share tips and stories through social media.

    Use email marketing: Build an email list and send targeted campaigns.

    Offer incentives and deals: Provide special offers for first-time B2B buyers.

    Tap into paid advertising: Invest in ads on search engines and social media.

Simplify B2B ecommerce with Amazon Business

Amazon Business is Amazon’s dedicated store for companies to buy products and supplies. It’s like Amazon but for business purchasing. Selling with Amazon Business lets you reach new business customers with customized prices, bulk selection, and B2B features. Business customers buy in larger quantities and return items less, allowing you to sell more with less effort.

Boost B2B ecommerce sales with Business Prime

Business Prime is a membership program for business customers and sellers. As a seller, being part of Business Prime boosts sales by getting in front of high-value buyers, offering Prime badges and fast shipping, and accessing tools and data for marketing to Business Prime members.