Compare keyword performance against competitors
Compare keyword performance against competitors
Find overlapping keywords with your competitors and assess their effectiveness or discover a new list of keywords and subscribe to them.

Research the most relevant keywords
Obtain a keyword database by entering your ASIN or specifying several competitive ASINs: filter words using "+" and "-", sort by "Search volume" and "Units sold" to exclude irrelevant ones.

Track your product rankings for relevant keywords
After filtering the received wordbase, subscribe to them with one click - we will collect your product rankings for the subscribed keywords daily.

Our services
Conduct research on keywords
- Find keywords used by your competitors
- Refine search with "plus" and "minus" keyword filters
- Subscribe to relevant keywords with a single click
Compare competitors’ keywords
- Visualize your product compared to competitors in the form of a chart
- Filter and identify "intersecting" keywords, using only the most effective ones
Discover your product's rankings
- Track your product's rankings over any time period
- Receive accurate keyword data and your product’s ranking history
Improve sales performance
- Identify "pain points" at a glance
- Group products and track group performance
- Compare performance metrics across different time periods
Determine key events
- Automatically capture changes in your product
- Display a chart of key metrics before and after the event
- Receive reminders for events that need to be checked
Our app allows you to compare keyword performance against competitors by finding overlapping keywords and assessing their effectiveness. You can discover new keyword lists and subscribe to them for comprehensive analysis and optimization of your strategy.
Tracking your product rankings for relevant keywords is effortless with our app. After filtering the keyword database, you can subscribe to them with just one click. We'll collect your product rankings for the subscribed keywords daily, allowing you to monitor your performance accurately over time.
We update keyword data regularly to ensure you have access to the latest insights. With daily updates on product rankings for subscribed keywords, you can stay informed about your performance and make timely adjustments to your strategy as needed.
Yes, you can export keyword data from the app for further analysis. Whether you want to conduct in-depth research or share insights with your team, our export feature provides you with the flexibility to analyze data in external tools or formats.