Keyword Tracker

Track ranking growth and advertising spend in one chart.
View the historical data of your organic or sponsored rankings across any timeframe and monitor progress on the chart.

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Keyword tracker | Intersections

Compare keyword performance against competitors
Find overlapping keywords with your competitors and assess their effectiveness or discover a new list of keywords and subscribe to them.

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Keyword tracker | Research

Easily find keywords by selecting multiple competitors
For each product, we compile a list of indexed keywords on Amazon. Obtain a keyword database for your ASIN or competitive ASINs

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Research effortlessly
Analyze the changes to your product and their impact on key metrics. For each event, whether it's a price change or avatar update, key metrics are displayed as charts before and after the event.

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Product Perfomance

Analyze key product metrics and pinpoint areas of concern
We highlight problematic metrics and provide in-depth analysis, allowing you to localize the issue.

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