Work Logs Guide

Work Logs Guide

We are excited to introduce you to our tool, Work Logs

This tool is designed for tracking and managing actions related to your products and their impact on your PPC campaigns.

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Start of work

To make a record, simply click on the "+ Action" button in the top right corner of the page.

image1 | Work Logs Guide  | Winclicks: Amazon Seller Tools

Choose the product you want to make a note about, fill in the date of the action, and provide a brief description of the action.

All action notes for your products can be found on the "Work Logs" page. Use filters to select notes for a specific product or your preferred time frame.

You can always edit or delete a note when necessary.

Now, observe how these modifications influence your PPC campaigns. Actions will be reflected on the "Keyword Tracker" page, near the date the action was taken.

image2 | Work Logs Guide  | Winclicks: Amazon Seller Tools

These modifications will also be visible on the "Product Performance" page. We'll delve into more details about this tool in the next article.

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